This tour was formerly called our Cradle Mountain Day Tour which for operational reasons we have discontinued, however, the GOOD news is we have two new options. The first option if you are a group of four and above is to book a tour to Cradle Mountain as a PRIVATE CHARTER This has several advantages including price (if you are a group of 6 and over, it is cheaper) and you have total control of the content of your tour in conjunction with us. You can still use the information given below as a guide. Click HERE for PRIVATE CHARTER.
Now, the GOOD NEWS, for the budget conscious back-packer who wants to see Cradle Mountain but cannot afford a full day, our new Cradle Mountain Budget Excursion.
Cradle Mountain Budget Excursion
If you just want to see and experience the beauty of Cradle Mountain why not join one of our transport only groups. The price will be cheaper, and you will be free (with friendly advice from our drivers) to self-guide when you get there. Save money by bringing your own packed lunch. All you need to buy when you get there (if you have not already got one) is a Parks Pass. You then hop on the free shuttle bus to Dove Lake (approximately 20-minute journey). There are plenty of departures during the day.
How to book your excursion
Firstly check our “Message Board” (under bush walkers transport section of our web-site) This will give you dates, time and number of passengers already booked. If we have four people already booked then you increase the number on the bus, which actually makes it cheaper for everyone.
Because you will be making a return journey with us the cost for your transport will me more expensive than the Overland Track walkers as they are only travelling one way. However, your cost will only be $30.00 more expensive than our transport service. Taking the above example of four people the cost to the bush walker will be $110.00, but for you $140.00. If you are two people, then the cost is cheaper just $120.00. each.
To check our availability and book on an existing bus departure send us a message by clicking HERE to go to our contact form. Write a brief message about your requirements and we will get back to as soon as we can. Confused? give us a call on 0408 918249
Why travel with us
Our drivers have a vast knowledge of the area as well as being able to tell you what you can achieve in the time you have available. Many of our drivers are enthusiastic walkers and would rather be walking than sitting in a bus, they might even accompany you into the Park! Even if they don’t, they will give you all the help and advice they can.
One final point is that you will also get to see the beautiful murals at Sheffield as our drivers usually stop there for refreshments either on the inward journey or outward Journey.
How do I choose a suitable group to travel with
In order that you have a minimum of four hours at Cradle Mountain we suggest any departure that leaves Launceston or Launceston Airport before 1130am. Our departure time for the return journey will be 6pm (You will arrive back in Launceston at 8.30pm approx.) Note: the earlier the departure from Launceston the more time you will have at Cradle Mountain.!
INTERESTED? – please check our Message Board by clicking HERE

Water Falls and Swiftly Flowing crystal-clear mountain streams, Rain Forest Trees, Myrtle, Leatherwood, King Billy Pine, Celery Top Pine, Man Ferns, Mountain Pepper & Tasmania’s only native deciduous tree Fagus. In December, the Waratah will be in flower, PLUS many flowering plants & shrubs. Of the many animals that live there the ones that you are most likely to see are Wombats, Wallabies, and Echidna and if we are really lucky we might even spot a platypus in one of the lakes or streams that flow through the Cradle Valley.
Of the many birds that frequent this area look out for that cheeky black crow called a Currawong who will delight in stealing your well earned lunch! There are, of course many other, plants, animals, birds and reptiles too and your guide will do their best to satisfy your curiosity sharing their knowledge of this beautiful area.
What is included in this excursion
- Return transport from your accommodation
- View murals at Sheffield
- Various lunch options or bring your own
- Optional additional activities available
- Friendly advice and guidance from your driver
What is not included
- Park Entry Fee (but can be purchased at a discount from driver)
- No food or drink (except water on the bus)