Message Board for Transport Availability

Bus Transport to and from Tasmanian National Parks including the Overland Track

往返塔斯马尼亚国家公园的巴士 往返塔斯马尼亚国家公园的巴士

When you click on the link below it will take you to a pdf document that we regularly update. On this page you will be able to see when we have confirmed bookings, where the bus will be going, the departure place and the time of departure. There may also be some additional information in the far-right hand column. If the departure point is in a town, city or a place where there might be several hotels then should you decide to join the bus on this date then the bus will pick you up at your accommodation or we will tell you where we can pick you up. If you decide to join this departure you will need to book in the normal way, your price being based on the new number of passengers on the bus. Your booking will also then be added to the total number of passengers that day and be shown on the message board.