Thank you for submitting your booking information.
To complete your booking, please click below and you will be redirected to our secure payment gateway.
If you are just using your credit card as a “security deposit” we will just record your credit card information and will only process (take money) if you defaulted on the booking (see booking conditions). Upon pickup you will pay the full far in cash or debit card (EFTPOS).
If you have previously indicated to us that you wish to actually pay your fares by credit card, this will be at the non-cash rate as indicated on our price list on this website or the price list that we would have sent you earlier.
Once we have received your credit card information, we will confirm your booking in writing within 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: Please do not make any arrangement or other bookings – airlines etc., until we have verified your information and sent you a formal written booking confirmation by email.
If you have any questions, please contact us on +61 408 918 249